5 Different Types of Digital Marketing and Their Applications

It is a Modern type of marketing, also called online marketing, which refers to the promotion of brands to connect with potential clients using the internet and other forms of digital communication. It includes not only email, social media, and web-based advertising. It also texts and multimedia messages as a marketing channel.

It can be online or offline; both types are essential for a well-rounded digital marketing strategy.

What is the Importance of Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing

Simply put, digital marketing permits you to get your target audience online, in multiple ways, on a combination of platforms. Digital marketing has methods like social media marketing, content marketing, SEO, PPC, web design, and many more.

Digital marketing is essential because it connects brands with consumers when they’re most receptive. Digital marketing strategies increase awareness, information, and revenue in a scalable yet cost-effective manner.

Now advanced use of technology, digital marketing platforms have become essential to the digital marketing world.

Here are some reasons why digital platforms can be an asset to your business:

  • You can create an online gathering to represent your organization across all platforms.
  • 50% of consumers prefer to purchase online, and then pick up in a store – meaning their buying decisions come primarily from a business’s digital sight.
  •  Digital marketing allows for personalized relations between consumers and producers. It makes customers feel heard and understood by a business, which is ultimately increasing online revenue.
  • An online presence, especially across social media platforms, increases – the attraction for consumers and shows trust between buyers and sellers.

By utilizing digital marketing initiatives, your organization can make a more cohesive, customer-oriented program that maximizes benefits for your clients. Digital marketing platforms can also be helpful for easy measurement and adjustment of company goals and bring you a better return on assets.

What is a Digital Marketing Platform?

Digital marketing utilizes strategy, planning, and a keen sense of your market to create targeted digital media that drive awareness and education for your brand, product/services, and sales. Nowadays, most businesses engage in digital marketing. Global Industry Analysts Inc. (GIA) analysis of the worldwide digital advertising and marketing market will reach $786.3 billion by 2026. As a result, we all have seen an inflow of online marketing platforms and tools develop to assist businesses with their digital and online marketing.

This platform is a solution that supports multiple functions within the realm of marketing over the internet.

Top 5 Types of Digital Marketing Platforms

Here are the top five types of digital marketing tactics.

  •   Social Media Marketing
  •  Content Marketing
  •  Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  •  Pay-per-click (PPC)
  •  Email Marketing

1. Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing means moving traffic and brand awareness by engaging people through online discussions. You can utilize social media marketing to highlight your brand, products, services, culture, and many more. With billions of people spending their time engaging on social media platforms, concentrating – on social media marketing can be beneficial.

Today’s customers highly depend on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, with LinkedIn and YouTube not far behind. Ultimately, which social media platforms you use for your business depends on your plans and audience.

Because social media marketing affects active audience participation, it has become a popular way of gaining attention. It’s the most famous content medium for B2C digital marketers at 95%, and it’s gaining ground in the B2B sphere as well. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 75% of B2B content marketers expanded their use of social media this year.

When/where to use social media marketing:

There are 3 Businesses That Benefit Most from Social Media


The entertainment sector is an extensive and complex industry. It’s difficult for any business to understand how to develop a steady and faithful presence in various sectors facing vast competition. Most businesses face increasing stress from new forms of competition like Instagram and YouTube that replace traditional entertainment media.

Your first step in using social media to grow your brand is preparing a social media marketing plan. Here’s mentioned that you must get started:

Understand Your Target Marketing

Using social media to increase your brand starts with comprehending your target market and knowing how to reach them. Different users hang on to other social platforms and use each social media platform- for additional tasks. For Example:

  • LinkedIn is especially a business platform, so sharing advice about business and seeking new employees (or employment) dominate this medium.
  • Pinterest is for sharing images, mainly focused on ideas for solving consumer issues, such as building a menu for a holiday dinner. 
  • Facebook is the biggest of these social platforms and one of the few boasting older clients. Posts share images, memes, quick text messages, etc.
  • Instagram mainly focuses on images and short videos ( like Instagram Reels). Owned by Facebook, this platform tends toward fashion (including cosmetics, clothing, and accessories), cute animals, and other highly visual topics. 
  • Twitter is gradually declining as a medium, although it still has a large following. After developing text limits to 280 characters, the venue features posts with more sense. Twitter is also more used in the entertainment industry.


One of the most unexpected drives on this list is education. Social networking sites like Facebook and YouTube allow students, educators, and organizations to join in ways that were never possible in the past.

Most universities and colleges, in particular, have mastered social media Marketing. Many use organic and paid advertising on these sites to maintain application numbers and encourage campus visits. Once visiting campus, these same universities use social networking sites to promote ongoing events, new curricula, and more.

Food Trucks

In the food truck business, you’re always on the move. Unless your customers meet you for the whole day for anything is happened. That’s where social media comes in.

Food trucks help by using social media to communicate to their lovers – what their weekly schedule is-i.e., where they’re going to be on what day. Since this can change on the fly depending on weather and other events, the proximity of and quick ability to update social media is convenient.

Online Boutiques/Retail

Suppose you have your website, but most customers aren’t clicking on your site as early as they roll out of bed in the morning. They are mostly clicking on social media. Many online retail companies mirror their website offerings on social, which is a suitable strategy.

Taking it a step further, you may not even have your website. Nowadays, through social media shop functions offered by platforms like Facebook and Instagram, it’s possible to run the e-commerce side of your business entirely through social media itself.


Small start-up businesses should trust heavily on social media! Social media is a very vast concept nowadays. Anyone can start their income source through social media, which is a good source for generating income.

For the new start-up, there are many platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and many more where you can directly start your own business.

2. Content Marketing

Content Marketing

As noted, the quality of your content is a critical component of an optimized page. As a result, SEO is the main factor in content marketing, a strategy based on – the issuance of relevant and valuable content to a target audience.

As in any trading plan, the purpose of content marketing is to attract leads that eventually convert into customers. But it works so differently than a traditional advertisement. Instead of enticing options with the potential value from a product or service, it offers value for free in the form of written material, such as:

  • Blog posts
  • E-books
  • Newsletters
  • Video or audio transcripts
  • Whitepapers
  • Infographics

Content marketing topics and there are a bunch of stats to prove it:

  • Most consumers expect companies to deliver entertaining and helpful content experiences
  • 65% of companies that have at least 6,000 employees produce content daily
  • Many marketers believe that their company values content as an essential asset

As effective content marketing is, it can be tricky. Content marketing writers need a high rank in search engine results while engaging people who will read the material, share it, and interact further with the brand. When the content is relevant, it can build strong relationships throughout the pipeline.

 How to use effective Content Marketing

In today’s scenario, it is one of the best ways to regularly connect with your audience while increasing your reputation and credibility.

Of course, more content is being developed than ever before, making it more challenging for brands to break through the noise and reach their target audience. Here are a few factors that can help companies to reach their audience with greater commonness and energy.

Provide Value

It may sense antithetic, but self-focused content marketing isn’t the right way to get your name or wisdom in front of your audience. So many companies produce videos, publish blog posts, and pitch thought leadership articles better served for an in-house email than an external diffusion.

Invest in Multimedia

Video marketing has never been more affordable. Nowadays, anyone with a smartphone can create, edit and share high-quality videos, and people are consuming these resources more frequently than ever before.

Blog Regularly

A company blog is a well-established, positively influential pillar of any content marketing strategy. One industry report found that 80% of B2B buyers read blog content during their buying journey, making it an essential asset in every part of the customer journey.

Companies should produce one to four original blog posts for better reach every month, leveraging this content across their different channels to improve reach and return on investment.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization

SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” In simple words, it is a process of improving your site to increase its visibility when people search for products or services related to your business in Google, Bing, and further search engines. The adequate visibility your pages have in search results, the more probable you are to garner engagement and attract prospective and existing customers to your business.

SEO is a science because it requires you to research and weigh different contributing factors to gain the highest possible ranking on a search engine results page (SERP).

Today, the essential elements to consider when optimizing a web page for search engines include

  •   Quality of content
  •  Level of user engagement
  •  Mobile-friendliness
  •  Number and quality of inbound links

In addition, to the elements above, you need to optimize technical SEO, which are all the back-end details of your site. It includes URL structure, loading times, and broken links. Improving your technical SEO can help search engines sufficiently navigate and crawl your site.

The strategic use of these elements makes search engine optimization a science, but the unpredictability involved makes it an art.

Top Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools:

Ahrefs: SEO Keyword Tool

Google Search Console: Top SEO Tool

SEMRush: Marketing SEO Tools

Moz Pro: SEO Software

SEOQuake: Free SEO Tools

4. Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Pay per click

Pay Per Click (PPC) is a form of paid advertising that allows marketing teams; to effectively purchase traffic to their website. Marketers place ads on websites or search engines such as Google and Microsoft Bing and pay a fee each time their ad is clicked on.

So, instead of spending a set amount; to constantly run targeted ads on online channels, you only pay for the ads individuals interact with. How and when people see your ad is a bit more complex.

The most typical type of Pay Per Click is search engine advertising, and because Google is the most famous search engine, many businesses use Google Ads for this purpose. When a spot is open on a search engine results page, also known as a SERP, the engine fills the spot with what is necessarily an instant auction. An algorithm prioritizes each available ad based on several factors, including

  • Ad Quality
  • Keyword relevance
  • Landing page quality
  • Bid Amount

PPC ads are then set at the top of search engine result pages based on the factors above whenever a person searches for a particular query.

Pay-per-click and Paid Search Advertisement

Types of pay-per-click advertising

You will find various online advertising options that charge you per click on your website.

Paid Search Marketing

Paid search marketing is one of the most typical types of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Providers such as Google AdWords and Bing Ads show your ad to users who search for particular keywords. You set up campaigns by writing ad copy, selecting appropriate keywords, and choosing the right landing page for the site.

Display Advertising

Display ads are banner, image, or text ads that occur on different websites decided to target particular audiences. These ads will be linked to your website. They generally return a lower click-through rate than search ads but can be suitable for building brand awareness.

Social Media Advertising

Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, have high numbers of users who could be your potential customers. PPC advertising on these platforms can help you reach higher click-through rates on your website. Campaigns can help increase understanding of your product or services. The channels can target specific demographics and interests.

Retargeting PPC Advertising

Retargeting uses cookies on a user’s browser to show them specific ads based on their prior online actions. For instance, a user who searched for holidays could see show ads for a travel agent’s latest deals. Retargeting can be used as part of:

  • Display advertising campaigns
  • Search advertising campaigns
  • Social media advertising campaigns
  • Email marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketers make PPC adverts promoting the products or services and place these on:

  • search engines
  • price comparison websites
  • targeted content sites
  • heavily-trafficked websites

5. Email Marketing

Email Marketing

The idea of email marketing is simple—you send a promotional message and hope that potential clicks on it. However, the performance is much more complex. Firstly, you have to make sure that your emails are wanted. It suggests having an opt-in list that does the following:

  • Analyses the content, both in the body and in the subject line.
  • States clearly what kind of emails the subscriber will get.
  • Combines both transactional and promotional emails.

You want your competitors to see your campaign as a valued service, not just as a promotional tool.

Email marketing is a proven, effective technique all on its own: 90% of surveyed professionals named it as their most effective lead generator.

It can be even better if you incorporate other digital marketing techniques, such as marketing automation, which lets you segment and schedule emails that meet your customer’s needs more effectively.

Top Email Marketing Software & Platforms

1. Campaigner

If you’re exploring a tool to help you with marketing across numerous channels, make sure to check out Campaigner. Contained in its rugged list of features is advanced email marketing automation. You can use it to create email workflows, track conversions, nurture prospects, and personalize every aspect of your emails.

Key Features:

  • Email templates.
  • Triggered campaigns.
  • A/B testing. 
  • Sign-up forms. 

2. Sendinblue

Sendinblue is an all-in-one platform covering many business communications types, including Email, SMS, Facebook, Chat, CRM, and many more.

Key Features:

  • A shared inbox so you never fail to track your customer email history.
  • 65+ responsive email templates.
  • Built-in CRM.
  • Built-in SMS and Chat.
  • Contact Segmentation – make your emails more suitable by targeting smaller groups of contacts with a tailored message.
  • Facebook Ads for lead era.

3. Omnisend

Omnisend is a package of email marketing industrialization platforms that also caters to eCommerce brands. It allows you to expand your newsletters and increase sales with automatic emails, segmentation, and the added potential of SMS.

Key Features:

  • A library of templates creates it easy to create professional, attractive emails without coding that you can easily customize to fit your brand, add products, include dynamic discount codes, and save for your next campaign.
  • Segmented targeting that can be used both for campaigns and automation across all the media Omnisend caters for.
  • Pop-ups and forms aid lead generations.
  • Reports and analytics track sales and recognize winning campaigns.


SMTP’s solutions are more focused than many other email tools. In short, SMTP offers a well-priced SMTP relay (short for simple mail transfer protocol – the typical communication protocol for sending emails).

Key Features:

  • Excellent delivery rates.
  • An optional Prestige Defender that will keep tabs on the health of your email list proactively by stopping invalid email addresses.
  • Different transactional emails, such as password resets, privacy policy updates, receipts, and account updates.
  • Plug-and-play integration with marketing tools.
  • Detailed reporting.

5. EmailOctopus

EmailOctopus is a widespread email marketing software platform that has the task to deliver email marketing that’s simpler, more intuitive, and better value than the competition. They offer templates you can customize in a drag-and-drop editor, or you can start your emails from scratch.

Key Features:

  • Substance existing subscribers, keep evolving with customizable forms for your website, or create attractive ones. landing pages to capture more subscribers.
  • Begin with a pre-designed template and customize it or create your designs from scratch.
  • Power email mechanization to deliver campaigns.
  • Use insights and data to feature your subscribers into target audiences.

In the End:

The research and practice of digital marketing are improving with the advancement of technology. Modern technology enables multifaceted opportunities and, at the same time- poses unusual challenges for marketers. Marketers use digital Portfolios as a medium to promote a professional brand by defining the product in a manner that adds credibility.

Digital marketing platforms are influential resources for businesses trying to be present across a multitude of online channels,  and securing this presence is driving value. 

Before selecting a digital marketing platform, define your goals and KPIs to find the platform that protects the correct functionality to align with your business requirements.


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